quarta-feira, fevereiro 20, 2013

Cuba, livre?

A instalação do regime comunista de Fidel Castro levou a fuga de inúmeros cubanos, que preferiam o risco de partir em embarcações precárias e improvisadas a permanecer sob a opressão sufocante. O mesmo ocorreu no Vietnã do Sul, em 1975, segundo o “Livro negro do Comunismo”.  

No Brasil: 
Liberdade de expressão ameaçada. 
Truculência dos radicais de esquerda amaça a liberdade expressão do pensamento. 

Vejam o que aconteceu com a blogueira cubana, Yoani Sanchez.

domingo, fevereiro 03, 2013

The Global Assault on Religious Liberty

By Doug Bandow

Dictators have been falling in the Middle East, but that doesn’t mean freedom is inevitably expanding. Unfortunately, the Arab Spring has turned into something far different than hoped. Especially for religious minorities.

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has released its latest report with grim news. According to USCIRF: “Across the global landscape, the pivotal human right of religious freedom was under escalating attack. To an alarming extent, freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or belief was being curtailed, often threatening the safety and survival of innocent persons, including members of religious minorities.”