terça-feira, novembro 20, 2012

Experto considera a liberdade religiosa como assunto de segurança nacional para os EUA.

“A proteção da liberdade religiosa ao redor do mundo é tão essencial para a democracia e para a prosperidade que deveria ser considerada assunto de ‘segurança nacional’ para o governo dos EUA, disse um ex-diplomata.” (Tradução livre)

Washington D.C., Nov 16, 2012 / 03:04 am (CNA).- The protection of religious freedom worldwide is so essential to democracy and prosperity that it should be considered an issue of “national security” to the U.S. government, says a former diplomat.

“Religious freedom is buried in the bureaucracy and so people understand this is not a priority for us,” Dr. Tom Farr, senior fellow at Georgetown’s Berkley Center for Religion Peace and World Affairs, said Nov. 14.

Farr, who spoke as part of the Family Research Council’s “Cry of the Martyrs” webcast and served as State Department’s first Director of the Office of International Religious Freedom, said that the U.S. needs to implement policies and provide resources to support religious freedom throughout the world.

Read More: CNA

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