sexta-feira, janeiro 10, 2014

Religious freedom in UN

Dear Colleagues,

Please join me at the UN on Thursday, Jan. 16, 1:15 PM, when I will discuss new Pew Research on restrictions on religious freedom to be released next week. In advance of the meeting, I’ll send a link to the new report and main findings. The venue is the U.S. Mission to the UN, 45th Street & 1st Avenue (enter on 45th Street). R.S.V.P. acceptances with your full name and affiliation to Kathleen Herrera at If you won’t be in New York, please feel free to pass the invitation along to any colleagues in NYC.

* Also, this will be the last major event I will speak at as a Pew Research representative. On Feb. 1, I’ll become the founding president of the new Religious Freedom & Business Foundation … more about this exciting development on Feb. 1.

All the best,


Senior Researcher and Director of Cross-National Data, Religion & Public Life Project

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